Have Chronic Nerve Pain?

Publish Date: 03-05-2013 03:16:03 | Contact name: Dr. McPherson | 5308 times displayed | Comments |

Acurian is a company that specializes in recruiting patients for clinical research studies. We are currently looking for patients who struggle with nerve pain, and who might like to take part in a local research study.

We’re currently looking for patients for a research study of an investigational device that you can use with your current pain medication. If you or a loved one has pain that you would describe as either a tingling, stabbing, shooting or burning feeling, we’d like to share with you information about this study, including the following potential benefits should you qualify to participate:

• Study-related care by a local physician specializing in pain management for the next year
• Investigational therapy
• All treatment provided at no cost to you or your insurance company

For more information, please visit Mypaintrial.com or call us toll-free at 1-866-248-9133 anytime — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Contact Dr. McPherson: Have Chronic Nerve Pain?





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